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Deeper Connect

DeeperConnect is our platform to find and forge deeper friendships to pursue – to help each other live happier, healthier, wealthier, more meaningful, and longer lives.

DeeperConnect has a pool of over 1000 real life case studies for members to contribute to and learn from. It has over 100,000 members pursuing their dreams.  The members consist of TPMS’s owner-employees, partners, clients & people from deep and across relevant supply chains.

People from supply chains of ETO, Heavy Engineering, Infrastructure, Value-Added-Selling, MSMEs, Pharma R&D, Real Estate, Defense, Prodjects™, Projuction™, ServiceDost™ etc. -  use the knowledge, support and tools available on DeeperConnect to develop more & deeper relationships - with employees, customers, channel partners & suppliers deep and across their supply chains to run growth projects to improve performance – cash flow, sales, profitability & make life easier for all concerned.

Sharing your dreams, converted into goals in the 3-MIQ format is the entry ticket for DeeperConnect.  Planning workshops & monthly reviews towards publishing your case-studies is the price for continuation on the platform.  Most members use Tantum Web & Mobile apps to collaborate with others.

Members use SLMS - a Synchronized Learning Management System to create/ share/ consume content - case studies/ blogs/ vlogs/ books/ videos/ assessment, auto-diagnostics like Mind Valley Lifebook assessment report, solution design and implementation tools. All content is designed for learning by problem-solving. It is organized as role-based, dynamic, free/ paid, self/ assisted learning programs. We coach each-other for better habits – using templates, repetitive tasks, daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly processes that use Tantum - web & mobile apps.  All learning programs are branded & trademarked.

DeeperConnect is integrated with other collaboration platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, useful blogging websites, and forums like Rotary Clubs, RMB, BNI, Mind Valley, local area specific and segment specific industrial bodies etc. to leverage their strengths and grow the ecosystem.  It uses popular, friendly tools like workflow management, google meeting, WA, assisted forms filling etc.

Members initiate, contribute to and benefit from innovative social projects like Close Circle, RE-Connect, ServiceDost. We promote each other and collaborate to create great content.

Vivid Vision Details: About Me


We are working only with friendly, authentic clients who commit to making a serious difference to their success. They start serious work within 2-3 weeks of first contact, to benefit by enriching lives deep and across their supply chains.  Our clients share their experience with others within 3-6 months. 
We create value at each stage of our engagement with clients & partners – Evoking more serious interest by knowledge sharing, increasing excitement by more setting audacious goals, achieving clarity by solution design; Developing consensus by aligning contracts; Increasing confidence by prototyping; Enhancing culture by implementing Tantum – our suite of web & mobile Apps to assist in daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly processes with active coaching – to form better habits.
Clients hire us because they resonate with why we do what we do. They trust us because their friends recommend us to them. Their team members and their ecosystem benefit from DeeperConnect. They prefer our services and our systems to adding resources - whether physical or human.
Clients pay us well at each stage of value creation. and share their experiences on our DeeperConnect platform as case studies.

Vivid Vision Details: About Me


Each owner-employee is enrolled into our MakeDreamsReal program.  All the 3-MIQs and 3-year vivid visions are shared online. Experiences are shared quarterly on DeeperConnect.

We all share a growth mindset which believes that together we can do extraordinary things; we are committed to do so; and actively chase our quests. Everyone feels that they are enough.

We are authentic people. We talk straight, no filters - even though some people find it uncomfortable. We are respected for that. So, office politics does not exist, and everyone works for common goals.

Everyone works full time, on revenue & equity share basis; earns a lot more than similar jobs elsewhere.  Everyone has built passive income streams like royalties from books, revenue share from software, auto-consulting programs like Design Your Best Life with Lifebook & savings to manage any downturns.

We are extraordinary people who clients want to hire but cannot afford full time. We look at the world with rose colored glasses and work together to enrich it. We all feel and look confident, happy & serious at the same time!

Our team has Ex-CxOs, CxO recruiters, ambitious housewives, startup aspirants, differently abled people – ordinary and extraordinary people in the roles of coaches, subject matter experts, market champions, segment champions, account owners, account managers, project owners, project managers etc.  We work as dynamic teams – formed and managed effortlessly using Tantum.

Only positive people with attitude of friendship, and growth mindset can come in.  Our induction program is experiential - sharing of stories & case-studies with music, videos & fun activities. It also serves as a strong filter - any misfit is quickly found out, and separated gracefully, with zero delay.

Vivid Vision Details: About Me

What we do

We serve as mentors, directors, boards of advisors – for our clients, we are their thinking machines, the pooled intelligence - human and artificial. We help our clients make better decisions, faster and guard them against the common cognitive biases. We are always targeting the next case-study as a project, being managed using Tantum.

We design, develop & do training programs, consulting assignments, speaking events for special interest groups e.g. TED Circles, startup aspirants (Young Guns); Ambitious Housewives; Aspiring students; Retired contributors, Corporates - segment wise (Meaningful names for every program)

Our training programs are dynamic. They are created by (human or artificial) intelligently choosing & combining One-Point-Lessons that are relevant to the situation and the purpose.

We design, develop integrate & implement our own and 3rd parties’ contents & software as a part of our solutions which solve huge problems e.g.

  • for governments we implement “Dynamic, sensible procedures” to resolve the conflict between sense and procedure & keep up with the times

  • for MSMEs we provide technology and management as augmented services – to work with the wisdom and resources of large companies & agility of small companies to solve critical problems like – collections, sales, managing growth projects etc.

  • For defense, we are working on a program to “bridge the gap” between touch time, and lead time of building new assets & improve availability, readiness & responsiveness of current assets

We are frequent speakers in groups of clients/ special interest groups/ industry forums/ Rotary clubs and grand festivals/ one-day city wise "event tours".

We have established a new collaboration model for startups – one that dramatically cuts risks & relies on being profitable from the start.

We feel successful & appreciated for what we do, and we accept the praise that comes.  We learn from role models, and serve as role-models for others for specific aspects e. g. open mindedness like Vishen Lakhiani; inspiration like Robin Sharma, communication like Obama; satire like Varun Grover, adventures like Naresh Bahadur, energy like BTS; software development like trainers in Pluralsight etc.

Vivid Vision Details: About Me


People get it - that we are real friends. We have presence in 100 countries, and formal relationships with branded companies and individuals such as Mind Valley, Black Swan, Goldratt Labs etc.
We actively participate in the Rotary Club of Game Changers (RCGC) - to support, conceive, prepare & implement high community impact projects like RE-Connect and Close Circle; run programs like “donate your services”, “the hemoglobin challenge” etc. 
RCGC also serves as a pool of branded team members and clients waiting to be inducted, managed using a replenishment system – as a part of DeeperConnect.
We run 12 focused HAPPINSTANCES per year, with a grand annual festival like the Rotary DISCON, or the Filmfare awards night, on the theme of enriching lives. Our events are at premium locations - involving great speakers, picnics, health, fun, “code-a-thon” competitions, contribution, new friends, innovative solutions to difficult problems, freezing goals, plans, sharing stories, learning points etc. We regularly hire movie theaters for our events. Our events are experiential; presentations are dynamic, alive with rich audio-visuals, storytelling & participation – people go back feeling enriched and invigorated.
Opportunities for more happiness, health, wealth and meaning are available in abundance - as we love what we do & do what we love - spend time with our families, friends over picnics, long lunches/ dinners even as we work with our friendly partners & clients to deliver and exceed their expectations. Our rules provide opportunities to families & friends to travel together on business trips & participate in events.

Vivid Vision Details: About Me


Tantum - a Nasty friend with a setting for "Nastiness” (Kaminapanti); Friendly applications of intelligence - whether human or artificial; Collaboration - in planning, in execution like "India on a boat" and "a game of football"; Intel inside concept; Multilingual, with automatic translation options (unless hard coded);
Good habits coded into routines; delivered on our mobile app using repetitive tasks and other features on Tantum; Viral mobile apps - within and across supply chains; First app opened every morning - to plan their day; Last app closed every evening - to review their day; Kamina Dost - uses info, knowledge and intelligence - whether human or artificial, for enriching the user; Tantum.... connecting more meaningfully; International certifications.

Software development - Working with checklists derived from international certifications requirements; Code quality, CMM and other word class practices

Vivid Vision Details: About Me


In addition to clients’ internal publications, our select content is regularly published in local and global digital & print media as examples of collaborative, all round growth.

Vivid Vision Details: About Me


Our contracts are structured for quick decisions, and publishing case-studies on DeeperConnect once per quarter. We receive payments along with the case-studies on meaningful milestones, plus a share from clients’ upsides in the form of bonuses, equity, and stock options. Our contracts are equitable as per fair market value norms.

Vivid Vision Details: About Me


Most of our team operates from their home offices. We have the most innovative and friendliest of offices in 4 cities in India and one outside India.

  1. No walls.

  2. Flexible "cabins" and "pods".

  3. Facilities for physical fitness routines, meditations, food, fun events like music, dance etc.

Vivid Vision Details: About Me
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