Case Studies

"Using TPMS is as simple as withdrawing money from ATM." - Lt. Cdr. Deepak Puttaraj, Naval Dockyard, Mumbai

"We have no hesitation in saying that TPMS always focused on constantly clarifying & meeting our needs." - Mr. R.G. L&T Heavy Forging

"Our One Time In Full (OTIF) performance has reached well over 90% and sustained between 90 and 99% over a prolonged period of time." - Mr. C. J. Jassawala, THOMPSONPRESS

"In the very first case (Blast Furnace), the shutdown time was brought down by 23%. The subsequent projects showed reductions ranging from 15-25%." - Mr. Suman Biswas, TATA STEEL

"The progress was phenomenally fast once we started systematic reviews & the real problems were addressed. Thank you for creating the base that will help us achieve our Viable Vision." - D. Sucheth Rao, NEULAND LABORATORIES

"We have reduced the cycle time for BrahMos Assembly to 63 days from 85 days, which includes a project buffer of 25 days." - Mr. S. M. Vaidya, GODREJ PRECISION SYSTEMS

"First time all our contracts are placed in such a short time & with full consensus, due to the focus brought by TOC."

"Planning of Production & Scheduling of Shop floor has become seamlessly fully automated procedure with TOC-DBR being a built-in feature. Planning & Scheduling being off everyone’s mind, now people have more time to spend on effective execution of the plan & also to carry on focused improvement activities. Now we have a system that can reliably commit a delivery date to all our Customers."

"With Thru-Put Manufacturing (trademark of Thru-Put Technologies), the company expected a major reduction in cycle-time so there was no longer a need to manufacture the components in batches, saving on materials & inventory."

"आर्थिक हलाखीच्या परिस्थितीतून बाहेर पडण्याच्या मार्गवर मागील वर्षी आपल्या कंपनीने चांगली वाटचाल केली आहे. त्या बद्दल रिंग प्लस ऐक्वा परिवारातील सर्व सभासदांचे अभिनंदन. असे असुन देखील आपणास आपल्या भागधारकांना मागील वर्षासाठी दिव्हीदेंत देता आलेला नाही. अजूनही जगातील आर्थिक मंदी सुतण्याची चिन्हे द्रिष्टीपेक्षेपात नाहीत. त्यातूनच ग्राहकांचे विक्री किंमत कमी करण्यासाठी कंपनीवरील दडपण वाढतच आहे. या सर्व परिस्थितीतून बाहेर पडण्यासाठी आपण सर्वांनी जो THEORY OF CONSTRAINTS चा मार्ग अवलंबिला आहे तो निश्तितच आपणा सर्वाना प्रगती पथावर नेईल यात कांहीच शंका नाही."

"Multi-Project Critical Chain Pilot Implementation to increase the financial productivity three fold. This project involved over 50% of TPMS's payments on achievement of financial productivity targets; which were duly achieved."

"This was HSL's first CCPM implementation - involving commercial repairs for a rig."